


李卫东   副教授/硕士生导师



Tel: 18259099196

E-mail: [email protected]


2019.7—至今:加拿大28预测 油气储运工程系 教学科研

2016.9—2019.6:中国石油大学(北京) 油气储运工程 博士

2013.9—2016.6:中国石油大学(北京) 石油与天然气工程 硕士

2009.9—2013.6:西南石油大学 油气储运工程 本科



[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于蜡沉积物粘弹-屈服特性的原油管道清管蜡层剥离力学行为研究

[2] 福建省自然科学基金:成品油管道柴油蜡沉积及其对后行汽油段的混油影响研究

[3] 福州大学贵重仪器设备开放测试基金:高压天然气管道典型管件冲蚀磨损研究

[4] 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目:输油管道清管过程中蜡堵机理研究

[5] 福州大学科研启动基金输油管道清管若干基础问题研究

[6] 多时间尺度流量数字化系统测试

[7] 鄯兰原油管道混输原油粘度预测研究

[8] 基于数据驱动的输配气站场关键设备状态预测与故障诊断研究

[9] VR应急指挥沙盘项目-危化品泄漏扩散快速计算模型研究

[10] 输氢管道泄漏喷射火热辐射及站场隐患关联规则挖掘测试




担任SCI期刊《Petroleum Science》、中文核心期刊《油气储运》、《东北石油大学学报》、《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)青年编委,SCI期刊《Sustainability》客座编辑,重庆大学产业技术研究院咨询顾问, Energy & FuelsJournal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringScientific Reports、油气储运、石油科学通报等国内外学术期刊审稿人。


[1] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Xue Dong, et al. A theoretical model for predicting the wax breaking force during pipeline pigging. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2018, 169: 654-662.

[2] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Wenda Wang, et al. Estimating the wax breaking force and wax removal efficiency of cup pig using orthogonal cutting and slip-line field theory. Fuel. 2019, 236: 1529-1539.

[3] Weidong Li*, Qiyu Huang, Wenda Wang, et al. Study on wax removal during pipeline pigging operations. SPE Production & Operations. 2019, 34(1): 216-231.

[4] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Xue Dong, et al. A new model for predicting oil-wax gel strength as a function of wax crystal precipitation and structural characteristics. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020, 188: 106811.

[5] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Wenda Wang, et al. Advances and future challenges of wax removal in pipeline pigging operations on crude oil transportation systems. Energy Technology. 2020, 8(6): 1901412.

[6] Weidong Li*, Huiyuan Li, Hongju Da, et al. Influence of pour point depressants (PPDs) on wax deposition: A study on wax deposit characteristics and pipeline pigging. Fuel Processing Technology. 2021, 217: 106817.

[7] Weidong Li*, Wenda Wang, Jirong Ran, et al. Experience and lessons in crude oil pipeline pigging: Case studies from field practices. Petroleum Science and Technology. 2022. 40(9): 1051-1064.

[8] Weidong Li*, Hanqing Zhang, Huiyuan Li, et al. A promising flow assurance application of superparamagnetic nanoparticle heating for wax removal in offshore pipeline and production tubing: Mechanism and simulation. SPE Journal. 2022,27(3): 1597–1606.

[9] Hanqing Zhang, Huiyuan Li, Weidong Li*, et al. Application of superparamagnetic nanoparticle (spm-np) heating in wax removal during crude oil pipeline pigging. Energies, 2022, 15(17), 6464.

[10] Pengbo Yin, Weidong Li*, Pan Zhang, et al. Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2023, 140: 110746.

[11] Pengbo Yin, Lin Xie, Hangqing Zhang, Weidong Li*, Wenda Wang. Modelling wax deposition of diesel in sequential transportation of product oil pipeline using optimized back propagation neural network. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2024, 102(5): 1764-1776.

[12] Weidong Li, Lin Xie, Shengping Du, et al. Wax Deposition of Diesel Oil and Consequent Contamination of Gasoline in Sequential Transportation of Product Oil Pipeline. Energies. 2024, 17: 4398.

[13] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang, Xuedong Gao, et al. Experimental study on wax removal with real wax deposits. Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Canada, September 24-28, 2018.

[14] 李卫东,黄启玉,牛振宇,.基于热量损耗的稠油经济储存方案研究.西安石油大学学报(自然科学版).2019,34(4):89−95.

[15] 李卫东,黄启玉,霍富永,.原油管道清管蜡层剥离研究进展.油气储运. 2021, 40(3): 263−270.

[16] 李卫东,王文达,张宇凡,.成品油管道顺序输送中柴油蜡沉积研究进展.油气储运.2022, 41(1): 29-33+62.

[17] 张青云,冯宇,曾继磊,李小川,李东升,李贤龙,谭崎岐,李卫东*.大宁-吉县区块天然气水合物生成条件测定及抑制剂效果评价研究.应用化工.2021. 50(z2): 191-195.

[18] 张宇凡,李卫东*,滕霖,. 固井用油井水泥颗粒干混特性的数值模拟. 科学技术与工程, 2022, 22(28): 12355-112361.

[19] 李卫东,李逸龙,滕霖,.“双碳”目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展. 化工进展. 2023, 42(12): 6226-6238.

[20] 滕霖,单志伟,李卫东*,.二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证.低碳化学与化工. 2024,49(5):62-71.

[21] 冉济荣,李卫东*,徐彩军,.振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用研究.福州大学学报(自然科学版).2024,52(2):213-220.

[22] 廖丽君,杨杨,李卫东*,.掺氢天然气管道阀室泄漏爆炸规律研究.西安石油大学学报(自然科学版).(录用待刊)





Copyright © 2014 加拿大28预测网-专业走势图与数据分析 版权所有

地址: 福建省福州市福州大学城乌龙江北大道2号 邮编: 350108 电邮: [email protected] 电话(传真): 0591-22865220

2021年5月24日 星期一



李卫东   副教授/硕士生导师



Tel: 18259099196

E-mail: [email protected]


2019.7—至今:加拿大28预测 油气储运工程系 教学科研

2016.9—2019.6:中国石油大学(北京) 油气储运工程 博士

2013.9—2016.6:中国石油大学(北京) 石油与天然气工程 硕士

2009.9—2013.6:西南石油大学 油气储运工程 本科



[1] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:基于蜡沉积物粘弹-屈服特性的原油管道清管蜡层剥离力学行为研究

[2] 福建省自然科学基金:成品油管道柴油蜡沉积及其对后行汽油段的混油影响研究

[3] 福州大学贵重仪器设备开放测试基金:高压天然气管道典型管件冲蚀磨损研究

[4] 福建省教育厅中青年教师教育科研项目:输油管道清管过程中蜡堵机理研究

[5] 福州大学科研启动基金输油管道清管若干基础问题研究

[6] 多时间尺度流量数字化系统测试

[7] 鄯兰原油管道混输原油粘度预测研究

[8] 基于数据驱动的输配气站场关键设备状态预测与故障诊断研究

[9] VR应急指挥沙盘项目-危化品泄漏扩散快速计算模型研究

[10] 输氢管道泄漏喷射火热辐射及站场隐患关联规则挖掘测试




担任SCI期刊《Petroleum Science》、中文核心期刊《油气储运》、《东北石油大学学报》、《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)青年编委,SCI期刊《Sustainability》客座编辑,重庆大学产业技术研究院咨询顾问, Energy & FuelsJournal of Petroleum Science and EngineeringScientific Reports、油气储运、石油科学通报等国内外学术期刊审稿人。


[1] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Xue Dong, et al. A theoretical model for predicting the wax breaking force during pipeline pigging. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2018, 169: 654-662.

[2] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Wenda Wang, et al. Estimating the wax breaking force and wax removal efficiency of cup pig using orthogonal cutting and slip-line field theory. Fuel. 2019, 236: 1529-1539.

[3] Weidong Li*, Qiyu Huang, Wenda Wang, et al. Study on wax removal during pipeline pigging operations. SPE Production & Operations. 2019, 34(1): 216-231.

[4] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Xue Dong, et al. A new model for predicting oil-wax gel strength as a function of wax crystal precipitation and structural characteristics. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering. 2020, 188: 106811.

[5] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang*, Wenda Wang, et al. Advances and future challenges of wax removal in pipeline pigging operations on crude oil transportation systems. Energy Technology. 2020, 8(6): 1901412.

[6] Weidong Li*, Huiyuan Li, Hongju Da, et al. Influence of pour point depressants (PPDs) on wax deposition: A study on wax deposit characteristics and pipeline pigging. Fuel Processing Technology. 2021, 217: 106817.

[7] Weidong Li*, Wenda Wang, Jirong Ran, et al. Experience and lessons in crude oil pipeline pigging: Case studies from field practices. Petroleum Science and Technology. 2022. 40(9): 1051-1064.

[8] Weidong Li*, Hanqing Zhang, Huiyuan Li, et al. A promising flow assurance application of superparamagnetic nanoparticle heating for wax removal in offshore pipeline and production tubing: Mechanism and simulation. SPE Journal. 2022,27(3): 1597–1606.

[9] Hanqing Zhang, Huiyuan Li, Weidong Li*, et al. Application of superparamagnetic nanoparticle (spm-np) heating in wax removal during crude oil pipeline pigging. Energies, 2022, 15(17), 6464.

[10] Pengbo Yin, Weidong Li*, Pan Zhang, et al. Characteristics of liquid loading with surfactant injection in hilly terrain pipeline. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2023, 140: 110746.

[11] Pengbo Yin, Lin Xie, Hangqing Zhang, Weidong Li*, Wenda Wang. Modelling wax deposition of diesel in sequential transportation of product oil pipeline using optimized back propagation neural network. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2024, 102(5): 1764-1776.

[12] Weidong Li, Lin Xie, Shengping Du, et al. Wax Deposition of Diesel Oil and Consequent Contamination of Gasoline in Sequential Transportation of Product Oil Pipeline. Energies. 2024, 17: 4398.

[13] Weidong Li, Qiyu Huang, Xuedong Gao, et al. Experimental study on wax removal with real wax deposits. Proceedings of International Pipeline Conference, Calgary, Canada, September 24-28, 2018.

[14] 李卫东,黄启玉,牛振宇,.基于热量损耗的稠油经济储存方案研究.西安石油大学学报(自然科学版).2019,34(4):89−95.

[15] 李卫东,黄启玉,霍富永,.原油管道清管蜡层剥离研究进展.油气储运. 2021, 40(3): 263−270.

[16] 李卫东,王文达,张宇凡,.成品油管道顺序输送中柴油蜡沉积研究进展.油气储运.2022, 41(1): 29-33+62.

[17] 张青云,冯宇,曾继磊,李小川,李东升,李贤龙,谭崎岐,李卫东*.大宁-吉县区块天然气水合物生成条件测定及抑制剂效果评价研究.应用化工.2021. 50(z2): 191-195.

[18] 张宇凡,李卫东*,滕霖,. 固井用油井水泥颗粒干混特性的数值模拟. 科学技术与工程, 2022, 22(28): 12355-112361.

[19] 李卫东,李逸龙,滕霖,.“双碳”目标下的氨能技术与经济性研究进展. 化工进展. 2023, 42(12): 6226-6238.

[20] 滕霖,单志伟,李卫东*,.二甲醚燃烧机理简化与燃烧特性验证.低碳化学与化工. 2024,49(5):62-71.

[21] 冉济荣,李卫东*,徐彩军,.振动信号在跨越油气管道安全检测中的应用研究.福州大学学报(自然科学版).2024,52(2):213-220.

[22] 廖丽君,杨杨,李卫东*,.掺氢天然气管道阀室泄漏爆炸规律研究.西安石油大学学报(自然科学版).(录用待刊)





地址:中国福建省福州市福州地区大学新区学园路2号 邮编: 350108

电话(传真): 0591-22865220 电邮: [email protected]

Copyright © 2014 加拿大28预测网-专业走势图与数据分析 版权所有