[email protected]
2004-2008 中国地质大学(武汉)应用化学专业 学士
2008-2014 浙江大学 化学专业 硕士/博士
2014-2019 福州大学石油加拿大28预测
2019-至今 福州大学石油加拿大28预测
[1] 国家自然科学基金(青年项目)“基于Gemini表面活性剂的高内相乳液模板法可控制备多级孔聚合物及其吸附性能研究”,2018.01-2020.12,主持,结题。
[2] 福建省自然科学基金(面上)“Gemini表面活性剂稳定高内相乳液的机理研究及层级多孔聚合物的制备与调控”,2017.04–2020.04,主持,结题。
[3] 福建省教育厅科技项目“基于磁性聚合物纤维的磁流变液的制备及性能研究”,2015.10–2018. 12,主持,结题。
[1]Yulai Zhao*, Zhikui Zhao, Zhongzheng Zhu, AnjunWang, Linxi Hou*. Preparation of N-doped porous carbons via high internal phase emulsion template. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2021, 31(2): 270-278.
[2]Yulai Zhao*, Mengzhi Wei, Zhongzheng Zhu, Jing Zhang, Xiao Longqiang, Linxi Hou*. Facile preparation of N-O codoped hierarchically porous carbon from alginate particles for high performance supercapacitor. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 2020, 563: 414-425.
[3]Yulai Zhao, Zhuang Zhao, Jing Zhang, Mengzhi Wei, Xiancai Jiang, Linxi Hou*. Gemini surfactant mediated HIPE template for the preparation of highly porous monolithic chitosan-g-polyacrylamide with promising adsorption performances. European Polymer Journal. 2019, 112: 809–816.
[4]Yulai Zhao, Zhuang Zhao, Jing Zhang, Mengzhi Wei, Longqiang Xiao, Linxi Hou*. Distinctive Performance of Gemini Surfactant in the Preparation of Hierarchically Porous Carbons via High-Internal-Phase Emulsion Template. Langmuir, 2018, 34 (40): 12100–12108.
[5]Yulai Zhao, Zhuang Zhao, Jiao Gao, Xiancai Jiang, Li Shao, Hongmei Li, Linxi Hou*. Influences of nonsolvent on the morphologies and electrochemical properties of carbon nanofibres from electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibres. Bulletin of Materials Science. 2018, 41(1): UNSP 20.
[6]Yulai Zhao, Zhuang Zhao, Mengzhi Wei, Xiancai Jiang, Hongmei Li, Jiao Gao, Linxi Hou*. Preparation of Si-doped and cross linked carbon nanofibers via electrospinning and their supercapacitive properties. Progress in Natural Science: Materials International. 2018, 28(3): 337-344.
[7]Yulai Zhao, Xiancai Jiang, Xiangzhou Zhang, Linxi Hou*. Toughened elastomer/polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxane (POSS)-intercalated rectorite nanocomposites: Preparation, microstructure, and mechanical properties. Polymer Composites. 2017, 38(S1): E443–E450.
[8]Yulai Zhao, Li Wang*, Haojie Yu, Chao Lia, Guanghui Jing, Rongbai Tong, Yongsheng Chen. Study on the preparation of hyperbranched polyethylene fiber and hyperbranched polyethylene composite fibers via electrospinning. Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2015, 132(37): 42517.
[9]Yulai Zhao, Li Wang*, Haojie Yu, Guanghui Jing, Chao Li, Yongsheng Chen,Muhammad Saleem. Facile preparation of bimodal polyethylene with tunable molecular weight distribution from ethylene polymerization catalyzed by binary catalytic system in the presence of diethyl zinc. Journal of Polymer Research. 2014, 21(6): 470.
[10]Yulai Zhao, Li Wang*, Haojie Yu, Lei Zhang, Chao Li, Wenbing Ding,Guanghui Jing. Controllable preparation of branched polyethylene with different microstructures via chain transfer ethylene polymerization catalyzed by α-diimine Ni complex/methylaluminoxane/diethylzinc. Journal of Polymer Research. 2013, 20(7): 184.
[11]Yulai Zhao, Li Wang*, Anguo Xiao, Haojie Yu. The synthesis of modified polyethylene via coordination polymerization followed by ATRP, RAFT, NMRP or ROP. Progress in Polymer Science. 2010, 35(10):1195-1216.
赵玉来, 王立*, 俞豪杰*, 三乙基铝作为链转移剂对rac-Et(Ind)2ZrCl2/ MAO催化制备的聚乙烯链结构的调控研究,2013年全国高分子学术论文报告会,上海,2013.10.12-2013.10.16
赵玉来,张静,赵志魁,隗猛之,侯琳熙,内相-外相协同的高内相乳液模板法制备多孔碳及其电化学性能的研究, 2019年全国高分子学术论文报告会,西安,2019.10.15-2013.10.19
赵玉来, 隗猛之, 朱中正, 肖龙强, 侯琳熙. 一种通过海藻酸钠与二胺类化合物交联制备氮掺杂多孔碳的方法. 2020.07.07,中国,ZL 201811595426.0
赵玉来, 王立, 俞豪杰. 一种茂金属体系制备分子量分布可调双峰聚乙烯的方法. 2018.01.26, 中国, ZL 201410250326.X
赵玉来, 王立, 俞豪杰等. 静电纺丝制备超支化聚乙烯纤维及其与碳纳米管复合纤维的方法. 2016.08.24, 专利号:ZL 201410250304.3
肖龙强,郭博庚,赵玉来,侯琳熙,潘瑶琪,张永乐. 一种一步合成聚吡唑囊泡的方法. 申请日期:2020.07.30;授权公告日:2021.09.28;专利号:ZL 202010747959.7
2020.12 泉州市高层次人才(第三层次)
2018-2019 指导研究生获“福州大学优秀硕士学位论文”